MTL News Archives for 2011

MARC2012: Call for Titles, Registration now open

October 11, 2011

The Call for Titles was announced today for MARC2012, the MTL Annual Research Conference. Registration for the two-day event is also now open. This year's conference will take place January 18-19, 2012 at the Waterville Valley Conference & Event Center in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Excerpts from the e-mail message sent today by co-chair Joy Johnson to the MTL community are as follows:

Background The Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) is an MTL-wide forum presenting research achievements of the past year while encouraging interaction among MTL students, faculty, and industry partners. MARC2012 will be the eighth year of this student-led conference, but stems directly from the former MTL annual student research reviews, created by MIT professor Paul Penfield in 1990. For MARC2012, we are very excited to be returning to Waterville Valley in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Registration & Submission
MARC2012 is free, and registration is open to all grad students, postdocs, visiting scientists, faculty, and staff affiliated with or working within MTL. All are invited (and encouraged!) to submit a title. Please go to to register for MARC2012 and to submit your title and author list by October 21st. If your title is accepted, we will ask authors to submit a one-page abstract for publication in the conference proceedings at a later date.

The conference will kick-off on January 18th. A range of activities will be on offer, including skiing, snoeshowing, and ice skating, followed by dinner and social hours. The technical portion of the conference will begin on January 19th. Authors will be expected to prepare a poster and a 90-second presentation in order to showcase their work to colleagues and industry members.

In the past, monetary prizes were awarded to authors who delivered the best presentations. We hope to continue this at MARC2012 - so please keep this in mind when preparing your presentations!

We really look forward to seeing you at MARC2012! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

--Joy Johnson & Geoffrey Supran, MARC2012 Co-chairs

For more information, please visit the Marc 2012 site